Here are a bunch of pix of the inside of the house - and a few of the yard as well. (Really, I have a day job, so no need to suggest that I become a professional photographer...)
This is a great home! The floor plan has worked so well for us. It is just too big now that there are only 3 of us rather than 6... did I mention I'm a single mom?
(Feel free to let that tug on your heart strings while you peruse the blog.) ;o)
Front entry
View from front door. LR on right, FR ahead
View from LR
Living Room w/chair rail
Family Room
Family Room again
Oops... he doesn't come with the house.
Dining/kitchen area. A very recent pix... see the signs?
(No, not the ones from heaven... the ones on the TABLE!)
Kitchen (and no... that is NOT a dirty towel.)
Fridge and Stove and Micro that all stay.
Just a pix of the flooring on the main.
View of the stairs (read: railing) from upstairs.
Master with a cute little alcove
Master again
Master closet... and no, you can't see inside just yet! ;o)
Pink/yellow bedroom upstairs. Yes indeed, that IS a swing. I'm a nice mom, huh!
BYU Blue bedroom upstairs
More BYU Blue... with a TINY bit of red on that bench.
Neutral bedroom upstairs
(yes, we know for sure that he is a boy... he just never picked his favorite color!)
More neutral bedroom (it is the biggest one other than the master)
Storage room #1 in basement
More store room #1
and more store room #1
Huge side yard!! You'll love it.
Same side yard, but from the "inside" - which is where we all wanna be.
Same inside shot - just a little shift to the east.
Northeast view
Note the in-ground tramp! Also note the 4 garden boxes that you can't see.
Northwest view
Awesome sandbox that you can't see because it is in the shade of the "September 11th" memorial tree. (I'm leaving that. Just sayin')
Southeast view of side yard/burm
Yet another view of the tramp
Not so lovely "winter" shot of backyard
Go back up ^^^ and look at the "SUMMER" views. The yard is SO great when it greens up. I love it!
Oh hey... this yard comes with a BRAND NEW lawn mower!
(used 4 times by a little old lady who never pushed it fast)